31 May 2012
*What is "khawarij" ?
Critical ponit :
*What is khawarij?
"the khawarij are those who are not shiite (followers of Sayyiduna Ali RA) and not d followers of Muawwiya . they were against both of them...some of them against all sahabat nabi , some accept abu-bakr + omar only "
okay 4 this difination , there r some types from them .
sekarang : mereka in "Oman" more than 70% from people there from one type from khawarij "Ibadiyya"
***let's go to the important ponits :
1- "el-madakhela" wa "el-khawarij"
2- nowadays usage of "khawarij"
*-* b4 continue let's say the differnce between : islamic orng wa muslim orng .
** islamic orng : yg mahu to apply islamic laws in country even join or not join in politic ... also those orng2 yg do da3wa in all world
**muslim orng : biasa2 ... just muslims in ID , u can say to apply islamic law and make da3wa of islam is not 1st target from his life
majority from them accept it , minority refuse or confuse about islamic law dari MEDIA or Ignorance
1- "el-madakhela" wa "el-khawarij" :|
inshort : all madakhela orng2 said this berkataan to any orng against Govern ... and as i said b4 "el-madakhala" will cooperate with govern against any one refuse govern opinions
2- nowadays usage of "khawarij"
*u can say here in arab countries the another usage is Media and govern ulama against salafi or just ancaman to merekah
*in our cinema they use it in comedy movies to buat Gedik+Perli about islamic orng2 yg against govern or against biasa2 to ancaman dia from follow islamic orng or we will be arrested dari govern
****What is happening to Sh Umar Abdurrahman now?
dari mana koran tahu dia ?
sekaran he arrested in USA + very sakit , and pervious govern cooperate with CIAto arrest him
*****and u know d story of world trade centre...?
u can say it's from "Intelligence Rahsia2" , coz no one discribe kenpa all jewish not going to it this day ?? and also there r bombs below center ..
so it's not something can be made from bin-laden alone ... it's impossible
tapi there r more than one scenario to did it :
*jewish lobi + cooperate with some orng2 dari CIA ... and bin-ladn tipo when he said that he did it
*jewish lobi + cooperate with some orng2 dari CIA >> facilated it {by removing securites} to bin-laden to did it by incouarge him to do it with hidden spy
******But do u know that in our country, we've been doctrinized to believe that the Sh Usamah is not real person...only a character made by d CIA etc etc.
really this opinion is very TIPO ...
he is real orng ... number 17 from 52 children ... have 900 million $ ... he use those money to help mujahedeen in Russia ... etc .. CIA helped him by giving him weopens when he against russia coz USA mahu Russia lost .... also at this time egypt govern and saudia govern tell us anyone want join to mujahideen we{govern} will help him ... pasto when the russia lost , the gover arrested all mujaheen when mereka balik .....
*-* last point is bin-laden grps did banyaaak mistakes ... ex :when he use Bombings against westerns biasa2 orng2 .. coz the war must be against the pahlawan2 not biasa2 ....
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