10 July 2012

Salafis Vs Sufis

In the name of Allah ~ we will start ~

let's start with ayat2 dari non muslim orng ~ coz it's very important to u {as non arab } to start from this point ~ 
~ coz he is not salafi or IM or sufi :P

"Carnegie Endowment for International Peace"
research institute ~ tp hati2 when u read from them

This is the full PDF :


i choose some ayat2 from this PDF to start :

(Western observers often associate Sufism with an acceptable, moderate, and even enjoyable understanding of Islam.
Indeed, Sufism in Egypt is deeply connected with popular religion and beloved religious festivals. 
Politically,Sufi groups are either allied with liberal parties or with Egypt’s moderate, pro-government religious establishment.
It is unlikely, however, that the ubiquity of Sufism in Egyptian life would ever translate into political influence.
Sufism and Sufi organizations are either too much a part of Egyptian life to stand out as an identifying political motivator or too subservient to the state religious establishment to push for any dramatic change.
Indeed, in the wake of the first round of elections, Sufi parties have been clearly associated with old-regime elements.)

(The Supreme Sufi Council still carries weight with followers and other Since the January uprising mainstream Sufis have become firm allies of both the transitional authorities and of liberals; they identify with the state-controlled religious establishment and are driven by a consuming fear of Salafis and Islamists in general.)

( since the January uprising mainstream Sufis have become firm allies of both the transitional authorities and of liberals; they identify with the state-controlled religious establishment and are driven by a consuming fear of Salafis and Islamists in general.The Sufi orders associated with the Front for Reform in particular quickly aligned with liberals and revolutionary youth groups)

Now let's go little bit to nearly past ~ b4 25 Jan 2011 :

* "Alaa abu al-3azayem " Sheikh tariqa "Azmyya" said that he will be launching a new SUFI TV channel To counter Salafi TV channels, through the "provision of moderate Islam, and face the hard-line fundamentalist who thought Call themselves Salafis and Wahhabis. "

and said that Mubarak's law gives the right to rule for life, and 7million of sufi orng2 will support Gamal Mubarak if his father left a commandment 

* In late 2009, Britain sponsored the establishment of a "Sufism international association", based in London, a British license And accredited by the British Foreign Office, the Council issued a statement saying that "Muslim organization calls for peace And peace in the world and respond to terrorism and violence and extremism and intolerance, and does not interfere in the policies of different countries and respect each Belief of any religion or creed, and works to remove the ideological differences, and different religions closer together to achieve stability in the All countries of the world, which is an organization with independent 
legal personality purposes the spread of Islam proper, and the call to God and spreading awareness of religious and cultural "

* According to Sheikh Mohammed Shahawi the founder of (Sufism international association) in its dialogue with the site Islam Online on 8/10/2009 "and we will try to urge officials in most countries through the World Council to support the wool in order to stop the Salafi trend, which grows in the world that are causing the spread intolerance and militancy ".

*Ms. (Magda Mohamed Shahawi) the wife of (founder of Sufism international association) established "Sufi Women's Home " She stated that the goal of the association is to: "Call to understand the true religion centrist, especially among Egyptian women and young small torn after the Salafist Wahhabism, which invaded the community and expanded through the media,"

She said in an interview: "Islam is a religion and the average work wahhabi fundamentalists and the distorted over many years,It is time to face the darkness of this campaign, and this is what it is seeking sufism Gadis2 Association. "

*Published in the journal «U S. News and World Report» title (the minds and hearts and dollars) published in (2005)The report says in one of its paragraphs: (strategists believe that Americans are increasingly global Sufi movement with their branches May be one of the best weapons, while U.S. officials can not admit that publicly Sufi, because of the separation Religion and state in the U.S. 
Constitution, they are paying towards the enhancement of public relations with the Sufi movement ..., and between Items proposed here: the use of American aid for the restoration of Sufi shrines abroad and the preservation of manuscripts Classic dating back to the Middle Ages, translate, and to push governments to encourage the renaissance of wool in her country).

*In (2003) (Alexandria) from (18 21) April made : a World Conference of the Shazli tariqa in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (UNESCO) and (center France's national research and scientific studies) and (French Institute for Oriental effects) and (French ministry of research scientific) and (French Foreign Ministry) and (House Humanities, France) and finally (Egyptian Ministry of Tourism).

*When it entered the American crusader forces and the British into the country was the first Afghan what they have done they opened Shrines and tombs, and allowed the Mawled be established and promoted it. Says one of the elders of the roads and the name (Sufi Mohammad) He was sixty years old, told Reuters: (The fanatical Taliban closed the shrine and stopped the celebrations And prevented us from zikr and chanting throughout the period of its rule, although it did not stop even in the presence of judgment Communist and Russian occupation! I am very happy that the fall of the fundamentalist movement, and America has allowed us to exercise And the establishment of Mwaldna ours, and we thank her so strongly)!

*In the summer (2001) the government of Yemen launched a fierce attack on all religious institutions under the pretext of combating terrorism,so it's closed all except (Dar al-Mustafa in (Trim), which adopts a sufi approach.

* On 16 Shawwal 1426 attended the birth of al-Badawi, U.S. Ambassador in Cairo, declaring his admiration for the great world of Sufism Islamic, pointing out what is involved in tolerance of Sufism, and embodies the values and Islamic principles such as the right high- And goodness and beauty!


Then read those ayat2 dari :Salafi_sufis PDF :

(It is also important to note that while the vast majority of the faculty at Egypt’s venerable al-Azhar University strongly rejects Salafism, the university does have many Salafi students, and some Salafi professors in the religious faculty.
Two prominent Salafi figures, Yasir Burhami and Muhammad Zughbi,have degrees from the school. Muhammad Yusri of the al-Nour party proudly wears Azhar robes. The Azhar-Salafi overlap is most evident in the formation of the Committee for the Application of the Sharia, consisting of Azhar professors and prominent Salafis. This committee was formed in July to advocate an Islamic constitution for Egypt and to criticize al-Azhar’s strong identification)

(The shaykh position is generally hereditary, passed from father to son, which means that Sufi shaykhs are often not professional religious scholars.
Doctors, engineers, and businessmen, they nonetheless usually possess a firm command of Islamic law and theological teachings.)

(but the more refined legal interpretations of al-Azhar’s mainstream scholars disarm such texts by restricting their applicability to limited circumstances)

So when u see the result:
when Salafism made a revolution on : 29/7/2011 Tahrir was Full ~
without IM !
tp when Sufism mahu made one against them on : 12/8/2011 maximum 5000 orng2 yg went !

*** So ~ y we tulis this post ?

*realy the target is to distinction between ( biasa2 sufi orng2 , sufi ulama' sufi tariqa founders yg x ulama' )

*when 2nd sheikh of salafi (Dr: sa3eed abd el-azeem) go to sheikh al-azhar (ahmad el-tayyeb) he said "that el-tayyeb was surprised when he discuss with me about somethings yg related to salafism , and el-tayyeb said that he must meet me again soon to continue discussing "

*so Media and old regime made abig effect on Biasa2 and also some dari azhar . furthermore PRE only yg choosed the ( shiekh al-azhar , founder of azhar univ. , ministry of awqaf {masjid2} )

*also korng x lupa when Ali gom3aa "mofti mesir" support shafeek against morsi in PRE elections ~ ! 
{so some egyptians called him mofti of old regime}
so when the PDF said that those yg di azhar support old regime was x tipu .

*and also ahmed el-tayyeb was not a general member but he was from Supreme body of the Policy AJK of Party of Govern ! (al-hizb al-watany) so take ur time ya non arab to deeply think : y Mubarak choose this orng 4 twice time ~ 1st time to be the chairman of al-azhar univ .. then 2nd one to be sheikh al-azahr !

***** So y Sufism r against Salafism ?
as u see sampai sekarang kita x ckp on any thing in Fiqh !
and we must ckp little bit on this side ~

Some of problems :
1- (The relation bet masjid and tombs , wht's the real guardians and wht's their power , Sunnah vs Bid3aa , Music , politic ,beard , niqab ... )

2- The target from worshipping Allah
3- Wht's the terbaikla way of worshipping Allah
4- The solution of Jurisprudential differences

each thing must have discussion tp not in this post ~
Last thing :
Wahhabism Vs Salafism

wahhabi : can be refer to :

abd el-wahhab bin rustom ( last of 2nd hijra Century )
Muhammad abd el-wahhab ( last of 12th hijra Century)

the 1st one is dari : khawarij
the 2nd one is dari : salafsim ... no not dari them , tp the one yg Brought sunnah to life again in Saudi then he co-operate with king "so3ood" to establish the King of saudia arabia yg u see it now ! ~

in buku of fiqh u maybe see wahhabi to depend on the 1st one and agaisnt him ~
the 2nd one Sufism and liberals yg called him wahhabi nowadays in all Media ~

u all x lupa ni video :
~ watch again it's Awesome ~

So the 1st solution to end any silly discussion with any orng :
okay ~ wahhabi is bad ~ 
r u read any book of him ?
r u read his believing ?
r u know the opinions of ulama' about him ?
wht's the wrong thing that he did it b4 ?

So don be mcm Parrot to attack any orng without u know anything ~

**is it neccsary to say iam wahhabi or salafi or IM ~ ?
realy it's not ~ tp maybe u will say it in some situation


  1. Salam..saudara, sekadar ingin memberi pandangan..saya pening baca post2 saudara sebab bahasa saudara macam campur aduk BM n BI..saya rasa kalau saudara buat full BM or full BI lagi senang kami nk baca dan faham..sekadar memberi pandangan~

    1. Maaf 4 ur headache ~ ok insyallah sy akn tulis in one bahasa
