28 November 2013

| << 25 Jan 2014 = Revolution >> |

*Our political case = Complex
*After 1 yr from mursi presidency = more complex.

1 . Islamists + rebels = defeat the old regime ( Revolution January 25, 2011 )
2 . rebels and old regime = defeating the Islamists ( June 30 and coup July 3, 2013 )
3 . Egyptian people ( and the largest non- partisan )

Islamists :
Brotherhood + Salafis

Brotherhood = Group One
Salafis = multi groups

(salafi2) Ada yg :
-supporter of PAS 100% (8 Salafi parties X include El-Nour Party  )
-Against PAS 100%
-El-Nour Party ( most Salafis + = Brotherhood against him now )

Yg sokong PAS skrng  against > ( some Salafists + the rebels + lain2 ) :

1 - arrogant + contempt for society + verbal insults and curses or saying that " shake ur tail "
Can u imagine tht ada orng will support you by calling him a donkey ? ! !

2 - fraud Speech + Rigging positions + Falsification of history
in short :
A: ur a donkey
B: u did it b4
A: no
B: Tipu la kau, u did
A: no
B: when u have the power = it's a good situation, and when u lose the power and i ikut ur situtation = iam a donkey ?
ur are the donkey here.


The fact that the Islamic movement has a real sufferings can be divided into two parts :

1- The sufferings of human rights for PAS and their supporters
Therefore , following with a gruesome massacre.

2- The sufferings of salafi orng2 ( whtever support PAS or not ) is a real legitimacy

*The harassment on the street for no reason but because they are committed to the Sunni Appearance !
*the society still think tht when u have a beard or have a niqab = u r PAS !
but the truth is : PAS Xde beard & Xde Niqab ! = 95% from any Beard or niqab in the streets = salafi orng2, impossible to be orng PAS.

*y ?
sbb all types of salafi orng2 yg msh mnajar lain2 utk X shave their beard and pakai niqab.

>> What is happening now is a desperate attempt to blur the meaning of the injustice and human rights converted to the sufferings of the legitimacy and it's  another way of counterfeiting.

 > i mean : mixing bet two parts to make them one part only.

*** Rebels :
>In the past :
Against the military and support PAS
>Now :
Against PAS and Support the military
>> The think way of PAS is : either I or no one .
Nothing change in Egypt ...

Arrested and ambil 11yrs dlm Jail ,ages in bet 15 > 19 yrs old
** Who killed Khaled Said have taken 7 years in jail and girls who raised the banner of "Rab3a" on the sidewalk at 7am have taken 11 years in jail !!!

The dead of khaled sa3eed was the main reason of 25jan 2011
Arabic Poetry :

إِذَا جَارَ الأَمِيرُ وَحَاجِبَاهُ *** وقَاضِي الأرضِ أَسْرَفَ في القَضَاء
فَوَيْلٌ ثَمّ وَيـــلٌ ثم ويـــلٌ *** لِقاضي الأرضِ مِن قاضي السماء

If the Prince and his 2 assistants are injustice ***   and judge of the earth excess in the judiciary
So kebinasaanlah !kebinasaanlah! kebinasaanlah *** to the judge of the earth from judge of the sky

|| excess in the judiciary = more injustice & unfair ||

Egypt = Military zone

*it Must be:
Islamists + rebels = defeat the old regime ( Revolution January 25, 2014 )

>> Whatever the corruption and loss of faith in the army  > can never be satisfied dismantle or destroy it

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