they are followers of Syed Qutb "MB member" but those grp still insult most of scholars yg x support their way of thinking in politic !
* they called it : "imposing Islamic identity" or "identity battle" or "Muslim youth uprising"
*i saw a Malaysian student try to explain to other students the intro of the most important book of syed qutb, but i don't think that he knows that this intro is the main thing which create "Al-Kaeda" & "ISIS" & the all extreme grps who still called themselves "Jihad grps", and unfortunately Aljazeera channel publish a demonstration to MB here in Egypt yg raised up the flag of "ISIS"and repeats their slogan !
*also he doesn't know that inside MB thera are 2 branch, one semi liberal , and the other one is follower of syed qutb in dividing the society to : Clearly Muslim, clearly non Muslim, Anonymous persons. and the 2nd team is the leader now.
*All MB members don't have beards , it's an order from MB to them, tht's y the vice of MB said they want to go bck again to masjid2 to decrease the power of other grps "salafi grps" sbb MB used the the emotional religious propaganda to to bring salafi persons to support their ways in politic, tht's y the majority from victims of RAB3a is salafi2 orang2, and till now MB dont dare to say how many MB member has been killed in rab3a.
*and on 28hb this masnorah grp "one of the beard branches to MB" ask the protester to raise up Quran in the demonstration.
> u dont know y ?
>> i tell you : sbb when the police start fighting them they can say : look to those non muslims who killed us coz we raise the quran.
>> how we know that ?
coz Dr. Khalid Saeed "the founder of this grp" said in "Al-bayan" magazine on 25.12.2013 about his own expectations about how things are going with the current regime in Egypt, where the conditions of coups summed up the recipe into five stages, and now the situation in Egypt on the eve of the fifth stage, he said:
"Phase 5: by the ends the fourth stage, where the coup the military regime up to one of two ways:
1/ Real negotiation and negotiate = means that the leadership of the military coup start by lowering the ceiling, and the recognition that there are no prohibitions or taboos in the debate and in the negotiation.
2/ The second way is for very serious, so that resort to military oppression in all streets and squares which causes heavy losses more than the second phase is much perhaps, what prevents the pro-coup military groups to what looks like an occupying power, not a national army, may mean the disintegration of the military institution and the police, to enter in the face of public popularity against the strategic balance of popular support. And the end of the coup, God willing, will be in one of two ways. I ask God to be negotiated Not in Spilling many of bloods. "

** so in short : they know that the end of this battle is by negotiations only between govern. and MB, but the bloods are not enough yet to win in the negotiations.
** they want more bloods so the west and US support them in their negotiations against the government, or another coup from army against sisi.
** political battle or religious battle ?
if Sisi and his army against islam, so it is not logical to grieve what wounding him from harms, so u are happy from wht ISIS did to army in sinai
or Sisi and his army is not against islam and u feel saddens if his army being weak or get harms so it is not logical to announce that it is a war on Islam! and when u said that so you are a great spotter and bouncing.
Choose one of the two because you combine and then get angry when we say this is contradictions
Please informed me of the outcome of your choice.
P.s :
Reminder the words of Professor Subhi Saleh "MB offical member" on 10 March 2011 (b4 MB change their decision to join presidency elections), which is expected (the future) .. and leave the judgment to yourself :
((Explicitly .. Brotherhood have no ambitions .. we stated categorically that we were not permit ourselves to have a candidate in the presidential .. we do not seek to share in the government .. and we're in the Parliament on only 30% of the seats .. and if we dissent that so it's will be politically committed suicide .. we will lose our credibility and respect .. I told you that i will become a liar .. and this is not a matter of self-denial .. but taking the leadership in Egypt now is political suicide .. the benefit to the Muslim Brotherhood is to see a presence of another candidates constantly, Enough ban, and enough of work in the margin .. but we are in need of internal and external calm message .. we have been insulted since 50 years it's needy to calming message))
:: That was the summary judgment on the Brotherhood themselves ::
Political suicide
We will lose credibility
We will lose our respect
we will be liars
We will lose our credit
We will lose our credibility
We are going back to the ban and to work in the margin
"That honesty requires to say that "Aboul Fotouh" is the best but he violates the group's decision."
Mohammed Badie - The chairman of MB in Egypt -
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