3 jan 2004 - Fatalities 148 - red sea
7 may 2002 - 55 most of them still a life - in Tunisia
31 oct 1999 - Fatalities 217 - in US
Malaysia :
8 march 2014 - MH370 - 239 person
** ada lgi jga tp xnk tulis
EgyptAir flight 990 > 31 oct 1999
US report said tht it was a suicide from the pilot, y ?
sbb pilot said : i rely on god = Tawakkul aku kepada allah ( byk gile times ) !
The assumption the U.S. that the co-pilot deliberately commit suicide and drop the plane because of the sentence that recorded by the black box which ( rely on god ) , which means that EgyptAir is responsible for damages as well as damage to its reputation as an international airline , and thus Disclaimer American security services .
But y most of Egyptians assert a conspiracy ?
1 -
Egyptian businessman Essam El-maghraby
he was with a group of 35 business people to travel to the United States under a program of the U.S. aid from the period of October 14 to 31 in 1999.
"After my travel , "Katie " Jewish American tried to recruit me and offered temptations as an exchange for cooperation with the CIA , and unexpectedly flight delayed to 29 instead of 31,and she told me that this is in my advantage , and after the crash , and 36 dead of the military and Egyptian scientists , the same number of the delegation , which was scheduled to come back on the same plane and then I remembered the word of Katie about the advance , so I did inform to Egyptian intelligence officials then received a call from an official at the Presidency asks me silent and not to talk on this subject . "
2 - Walid Batouti - nephew of the co-pilot in the plane : the Americans lawyers bargained families of the victims and threatened them and the Egyptians used several ways to force them to give up on the case, and the existence of important military delegation 33 people on it, as well as the "three experts in the nuclear researchers"
3 - Magazine " New York Review of Books ," U.S. military radar behind the fall of the Egypt Air plane at the U.S. Coast in 1999 , and revealed the plane exposure to electromagnetic interference issued by military radars in the area of the path of the plane.
4 - the testimony of one of the German pilots , who was so close to the Egyptian plane at the time of the disaster , saw a foreign body passes near it before the disaster few seconds , and is heading to the Egyptian plane , resulting in a fall in the ocean and explode to turn into scattered parts .
5 - While the Civil Aviation Authority said in Egypt that "Batouti = the pilot" lost control while trying to avoid a collision . However, the " United Press " is not recognized any foreign body or other aircraft were present Batouti trying to avoid them.
6 - the delay in between the 1st report and the 2nd report, the first about loss then after one hour later the second statement was issued about the crash of the plane in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean , in order to allow for the disappearance of the wreckage of the rocket which is physical evidence on the real cause of the disaster
7 - there was not any remains of any bodies from the bodies of the passengers, but what has been found is the ' human tissue ' , and this indicates the exposure of the severe air pressure after the explosion of the Second missile in the tail, because the normal blast can not prevent the bodies to the ' human tissue ' , and also if the explosion was a bomb ... why the pilots made a severe maneuvered that they have undertaken ?
8 - the deliberate of publish all data of the black box , so try to avoid any hint the existence of guided missiles to the plane through the chatter exchanged between the members of the crew , or between the crew and the ground station , and also to hide the real reason behind the disconnect between the plane and the ground station three minutes before crashing and might be recording the voice of the rocket explosion within the black box recordings .
9 - another proof of the existence of a criminal suspect about the incident is crash cockpit which is quite unusual industry coz the cabins and the pillars is so strong to protect the crew of the plane.Even if we assume it's a natural occurrence ,so it is logical to not shatter cabins , except there is a material or rocket smashed the cabins completely .

10 - also prevented access to the records of American military radar's on this area because it was definitely proves the plane to drop the condemnation against the pilot.
11 - Do maneuver alone is not enough to avoid the missiles due to the size and weight of the aircraft, therefore he was in need of a miracle from God to avert the disaster.
12- even if there was the slightest intention to commit suicide so it was logical to continue in the landing plane until it snaps into the depths Ocean , but the recorded data said that he went to the top by the plane again .
13- And also if there was any intention to commit suicide :
y the crew left him without preventing him from execution ? y he asked help to do a maneuver ?
14 - there is not any recordings in the American Association nor reference to any debating bet the crew members from afar or nearby.
>> U must know that our govern. closed the investigation about this case !
3) MH370 reason of crash ?
the black box is still not found, so no one know, i heard from some Malaysians who thought that it was conspiracy, but till now there is no evidence.
yg important to me is to revise u all the Martyrs ( shahid, shuhada' ) in Islam are 3 types :
1- Martyr in dunia & akhirat
A believer who was killed in a battle with the infidels, do not wash him, shrouded in his clothes, and xde solat jinaza
2- Martyr in dunia je
It is hypocritical who killed in a battle with the infidels, in dunia he is a martyr but in the afterlife in the nadir of the fire.
3- Martyr in akhirat je
who have a reward of a martyr in the afterlife, but in this world it is applied to normal Dead "wash, solat jinaza"
who is : stabbed ,drowned ,dead coz of abdominal disease , burned ,dead under demolition,dead coz of childbirth, Nettled, eaten by predator, who fall down from his animal ( mcm jatuh dari unta), fall down from mountains... etc.
so may allah accept the Muslims of MH370 as a martyrs.
Full report in Eng :
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