- 1stly u must know how is the situation is COMPLEX, then take ur time to understand is it worth to boycott or not.
- 6 millions govern. employees, half of them without any benefit to the govern. but they cannot firing workers coz of they will increase the unemployment rate, That unemployment is concentrated among young people (male and female), where there is the highest percentage of unemployed in the age group (20-24 years) increased by 46.9% of the total unemployed, followed by age group (25-29 years) increased by 24.4%, and the age group (15 - 19 years old) increased by 12.2%.
- just imagine that 100,000 persons want to demonstrate every day coz of finding jobs, or salary is not enough or even fight to get their food ! > is this normal atmosphere to Egypt to grown up ! ?
- Bearing in mind that the real number is not 100,000 but 40% below the poverty line, 60% from Egyptians are young people which is making troubles to any new govern.
- the corruption which is protected by the law, 3 generations of same family is working in sovereign ministries by hereditary !
- *The centers of power in Egypt
Businessmen, media, liberals, the church, the army, "40% of the hidden economy), the police, the judiciary, the three generations working in all of the above - Power centers outside Egypt
America, Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia ((who support some of The centers of power in Egypt )) - Mursi went to (Qatar, Iran, Turkey ) and Iran & Qatar is a strategic enemy to (Saudi, UAE,Jordan) so the 2nd grp didn't support Egypt in Fuels or in cash money "Saudi is 3rd country in the world in Cash reserve"
1- To support El-sisi :
- The centers of power in\out Egypt will support with totally different reasons like "end the presidency of mursi, or control Egypt, or save their kingdoms from the revolutions, or to scaling the power of Muslim brotherhood in their countries
- the liberal parties some support and some is NOT coz of their principles of freedom and democracy but both refusing going back of MURSI.
- El-nor salafi party who was the 2nd party in Egypt with 25% in the prev. parliament also support El-sisi, why ? coz of management losses
*The Philosophy of El-Nour Party since 3July 2013 is to try (management losses) of Islamic supporters in Egypt and contribute to stop the wheel of the civil war to turn on between the society of refuse the mentality of musri in his presidency and the supporters of mursi,
The Muslim Brotherhood will not stop clash with the State and the Egyptians who refuse mursi whatever losses that this is something that completely clash with the ideology of Al Nour Party.
nadir bakkar said "27May 2014"
- El-nor support El-sisi to try to create the new Egypt, to help the islamists whom has been arrested, El-sisi can control 70% MAX from the centers of powers in Egypt = he has a (40% > 70%) from chance to change Egypt to a good way.
- El-nor knows that our complex economical situation need a strong man to settle it in "step by step way" or "slow but sure" because the effect of 60 years from military wont be democratic in just 1year or 2year.

- boycott is the worst choices for El-nor coz it's meaning that Elnor support the decision of MB and he will pay double price (pay the price of MB decision which is NOT el-nor decision , some of the islamists who live in a safe life nowadays wont be safe coz all people with beards and niqab is supporting Mursi = arrest all of them even though all MB members are beardless and the niqab is not famous in their women !)
- El-nor is still see that it's excessively naivety from supporters of mursi who still think that when they demonstrate > US will come to help them or Europe will be happy when they try to apply their islamic vision in presidency !
- El-nor mentality is ( if mursi in his presidency cannot fix the probs of fuels nor Saudi nor how to speak to the Egyptian society = so y u want him to go back ? what is the benefit to the society "not democracy" from coming back of him ? the society and the Power centers let mursi won with conditions but the stubborn and trying to control Egypt with your 40% in Parliament and without any assurances to them and Violation of covenants between MB and those centers = Nonsense
- El-nor also is still refuse to calling this clash between MB and govern by "War on Islam" coz of the previous reasons and el-nor still remind MB that before MB changing their decision about joining the presidency election > MB doesn't want to control Egypt alone coz of it's really complicated, and the society is not know the substantial of MB as khairt al-shatir said "The first deputy guide of the Muslim Brotherhood."
- El-nor is still wonder from those scholars who still insulting El-nor coz of his decisions but on the other hand MB took the same decisions in Algeria, Sudan, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and here in Egypt also "era 1952 till 1987" = in other words > how those scholars Praised and gave thanks to MB and insulting El-nor even though it's totally same reasons !
- really the most of Egyptians youth didn't go to the elections, but it was not coz of supporting the coming back of mursi, but simply it's Public frustration, dream of 25jan2011 who broken twice times
3- Facts :
- The same media that said Lies about people who love mubark = the same media who said in the day of elections 26/27/27 may some threats to El-sisi in explicitly ways that there are 2 prev. president in the jails right now so take care to follow their mentality
- the fights in between the centers of powers WONT stop by the won of El-sisi
- El-sisi and the govern may be arrest El-nor members later, but not less than 6 months "maybe, and there are some other facts otherwise but i cannot publish it in the blog"
- MB will come back to negotiate with govern. as they did before in "Algeria, Sudan, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and here in Egypt before2010" It's a matter of time
- The decision of El-nor about support 3july 2013 was protecting "and it's still" a lot of people with beard and women in niqab whatever those people are supporters of el-nor or supporters of Mursi
- if El-sisi doesn't make any good decisions = wait another revolution within 1 year
- US still want to support the ratio of : {The balanced conflicts\fights between weak groups} like what happening nowadays in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen. and they fight like hell to make it here in Egypt by supporting {MB to continuing demonstrate, El-nor to join MB, Army to kill both, Media to control}
ما صحة قول من قال بأن حمدين صباحي شيعي؟
ReplyDeletesimply "hamdin" support their powerful, nk increase the relationship bet egypt and iran, he refused the difference bet. them.
Deletehe is from them or not = no one know + i dont think so.