How the Prophet know the real numbers of human body Joints ?
Did the prophet really said the real number of it ?
Why and how ............... ?
Australian Gov .... ?
Translation :
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "every human being from the sons of Adam is creating from sixty and three hundred joints. who yang say "Allahu Abar","Alhamdulillah", and cheered to Allah = (La ilaha illa Allah ), and praised Allah = (Subhan Allah), and ask forgiveness of God = (Astaghfirullah), and isolate a stone or a Thorn or a bone from the way of people, and order people to do good deeds , or forbade them to make forbidden things ,-when he reach 360 things from making wht the prophet said b4 in this hadith - so he was budging himself from the hellfire."
(Sahih of Imam Muslim )
Count with me :
* Joint is the intersection of any bones or bone and cartilage or any cartilage in any position the human body as long as the interval between them
* Need to develop a base of the body and repeated that the crossbones has -connected- in more than one place and whether a detailed one count or the number of places to meet
* Not included in this census and the primary cartilaginous joints, which is made up of bones surrounded by cartilage, where cartilage is magnified in the early age of these bones fuse so completely without a break, including
- Example:
Meet the ends of long bones of the parties with the legs
* Not included in this census bone cartilage connection when it is not a separator, but only relate to healing of cartilage membrane with periosteum
-Example: connect the ribs with the cartilages of the ribs
* Was considered a connection between the bones as a one cartilage , even if contact was made in more than one site
- Example: the greatness of the front in connection with the skull bone wedge
Australian Government
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
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